Duties and Responsibilities
Digital transformation lead is responsible to
1) identify the operation optimization opportunities and
2) propose the candidates of digital solutions to business teams (especially back offices)
3) finally initiate the digitalization projects and conduct the solution to achieve operation optimization.
● Partner with business teams to understand daily operation processes.
● Identify the opportunities for operation optimization.
● Watch the solution market to update with latest technologies and solutions.
● Negotiate with global/regional teams for Japan business requirements.
● Initiate business cases and budget for digitalization projects.
● Lead and execute the project and provide the solutions.
● Constantly monitor the solution result with defined KPI.
● Coordinateinternal stakeholders (BBAJ, APAC and Global CoE etc.) and external potential partners.
● Collaborate with back office teams for global and local initiatives
● In addition to the above, may overseeprojects and tasks that occur on a case-by-case basis under the direction ofsuperiors or by making own proposals under the approval of your superiors.
● Musthave more than 5 years of experience for digital or IT solutions implementation.
● Must have more than 2 years of experience to work within multi-national enterprise.
● Expected experience in health care industry.
● Expected understanding business processes in SCM, finance, procurement and production domains.
Knowledge & Skills
● Proven experience inproject management and stake-holder steering.
● In-depth knowledge of digital solutionsfor ERP and SCM.
● Fundamental understanding for IT infrastructure and database.
● 360° communication skills (able to explore the best communication with all related customers, staffs.)
● Situational leadershipskill(Able to solve various problems in daily operations.)
● Willingness to analyze problems and propose innovative solutions.
Professional & Personal competencies
Take responsibility for own work results/自身の仕事の成果に責任を持つ
Make decisions in order to archivegoals/目標を達成するために決断する
Get things done in time and in demand-oriented quality/決められた時間内に求められる要件、品質を重視した仕事を成し遂げる
Show discipline by mastering your own will/感情をコントロールし、規律ある行動をする
Analyze data efficiently/効率的にデータを分析する
Act according to customer's needs / カスタマーニーズを的確に把握し、行動するFind joint solutions with different kinds of customers/様々なカスタマーと共に、ソリューションを導き出す
Builds sustainable partnerships and networks/サステナブルなパートナーシップとネットワークを構築する
Embrace new practices and ways of thinking/新しい手法や考え方を進んで利用するDiscard ideas and projects when they prove to be unrewarding/利益が見込まれるかどうかによって、アイディアやプロジェクトを取捨選択する
Initiate and support ideas, innovations and change processes/自由な発想やイノベーション、チェンジプロセスを促し、実践をサポートする
Leaves own comfort-zone by accepting challenges/自身の快適空間を脱して課題にチャレンジする
Appreciate and include different perspectives / 多様な視点を尊重し、取り入れるShow appreciation for ideas regardless of who proposes them / 提案者が誰であっても、提案されたアイディアに対して、きちんと評価を伝える
Listen carefully to understand / 傾聴し、理解する
Embrace everyone's uniqueness / 各人の個性を大切にする
Stand up against unfair treatment / 不公平な取り扱いに対しては声を上げる
Treat others with respect / 他者に敬意を払う
Approach unfamiliar people and situations / なじみのない人にも積極的にコミュニケーションをとり、いつもと異なる状況にも挑戦する
Ask for other perspectives and ideas/異なる視点やアイディアを求める
Perceive diversity as a matter of course / 多様性を当然のことと捉える
Education / Experience / Professional knowledge
● Bachelor’s degree or equivalent experience
● Fluent-Business level English & Japanese
● PMP or equivalent capability
● Any IT professional certifications are a plus.
担当者よりお返事差し上げますので、少々お待ちください。 万一、3日経過してもご連絡がいかない場合には、お手数ですがgen.jp@bbraun.comまでご連絡ください。